Tag Archives: Kristina

Bunheads- “Inherit the Wind”

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by Kristina DeFonte
(via The Daily Hey Now!)

Last week’s episode left us with Michelle being the sole owner of Fanny’s home and dance studio. She thought that was all she owned, but with the help from annoying realtor, there was so much more….about 7 acres.

Michelle hasn’t owned much of anything before. She admitted committing 6 months to lease an apartment was overwhelming. Now that she owns all this land, in the course of 2 days, what’s a girl to do? Realtor lady tries convincing her to sell it all. She explains all the work that has to be done would cost a lot of time and money. Fanny sees Michelle and Realtor lady talking and knows what she’s up to. Small town, everyone knows who’s who. She yells at Michelle on why she would sell the house. Michelle isn’t selling anything, Realtor lady just showed up with a taco casserole and a magnet. (“A MAGNET?”)

Michelle and Fanny argue a little more, but Michelle just cannot deal with all of this so she goes for a drive in a car she now owns. Hubbell fixed a classic car with all new pieces from the internet. Her ride does not last long, and her car is stuck in a private road. She calls to get it towed, but can’t being that she’s 3 feet over the private road. She gets zip tied and Fanny has to pick her up like her 15 year old daughter vandalized. Once she gets home, she tries to get his car back talking up Bill, the guy who lives on the private road. The town heard he was a mean guy, but turns out he’s real cool and not named Bill. He calls his friend and tows her car off his road.

At the end, Michelle pours some wine for Fanny and herself. She explains that her home and studio are still hers, and they should just get really drunk tonight and start over tomorrow. So Vegas of you, Michelle!

In the ballerina portion of the show, the girls enter an ugliest feet contest. (Ew, feet) The only girl we learn more about is Sasha,(other than Boo having a crush on Melanie’s brother) the mean girl who seeks perfection. The girls talk about her in the locker room, but Boo says she just has problems at home and takes everything out on them. Sasha’s mother picks her up after class, and she could be a body double for a Real Housewife of Orange County. Checking her makeup in the car mirror, barely paying any attention to her daughter. Michelle finds her late in class, but Sasha claims her parents won’t know because they wouldn’t bother to check. Sasha begs for attention in class because she is ignored by her parents at home.The girls simply think she’s a bitch just because. People are quick to judge, but sometimes they have to stop themselves before they assume anything.

Did Michelle end up returning that Corgy?